Security and Protection


Radar provides real time fraud protection and requires no additional development time. Fraud professionals can add Radar for Fraud Teams to customize protection and get deeper insights.

Here is the guide on how to get started with the Radar:

Set up

Head on to (opens in a new tab) and Sign Up or Sign In. Click on the Radar from the side tab. If the toggle is not already on you can start the radar service by turning the toggle on



Create your own lists of information to block, allow, or review matching payments.

You can create lists of specific types of information and use them in rules. For example, you might want to create rules using a list of:

  • Blocked List. Use this list to automatically deny payments by these customers.
  • Maximum Withdrawal Amount. Use this list to set the maximum withdrawal amount you can make.
Here's how you can add a list


Click the Lists tab in the toolbar, then click the Add Lists button on the far right.


Name This is a required field where you will provide a unique identifier for the list item. This name should be descriptive and help you easily recognize the purpose of the list.

Slug This is an optional field that allows you to specify a URL friendly version of the name. It is often used for creating permalinks or for SEO purposes.

Type This field determines the type of data that will be included in the list. You have the following options to choose from: Phone Number, Account Number, IP Address, Amount, Email Address, Card Number, Customer ID, Device ID, Location, or Name. Select the appropriate type based on the nature of the data you will be storing in the list.

Lists This is where you will input the actual list items. You can either enter the list items as a comma-separated list or provide them in a CSV file format. Ensure that the list items are formatted correctly according to the selected data type e.g., phone numbers in the correct format, email addresses with the proper syntax, etc.


After you've filled out all the needed fields you can now click the Add button. You'll get a toast telling you that you've successfully added a list.


Radar prevention rules allow you to take action whenever a payment matches certain criteria.

Chapas Radar provides built-in rules to help detect and guard against fraud risk for all users:

  • Authorization Rules Criteria to determine whether a payment should proceed after a review.
  • Block Rules Conditions to block payments based on specific criteria.
Here's how you can add Autherization Rules


Click the Rules tab in the toolbar, then click the Add Rule button on the far right.


Attribute This field determines the type of data that will be used for the authorization rule. You can choose from the following options: Mobile, Email, Amount, or Daily Amount. Select the appropriate attribute based on the type of data you need to authorize. For example, if you need to authorize based on email addresses, you would choose the "Email" attribute.

Operator This optional field allows you to specify how the data should be equated or compared. You can choose from the following operators: Equal To ( = ), Not Equal To ( != ), Greater Than ( > ), Less Than ( < ), Greater Than or Equal To ( >= ), Less Than or Equal To ( <= ), Like (LIKE), Contains ( @ ), Does Not Contain ( ! ). The operator you choose will determine how the data is evaluated against the list you select.

List This field allows you to select a list that you have previously created. The list should contain the data that you want to authorize against, such as a list of approved email addresses, phone numbers, or transaction amounts. You can choose the list that is most suitable for your authorization requirements.

Rule Type(Applied to) This field lets you specify whether the authorization rule should be applied to all payouts or all payins. Payouts refer to outgoing transactions, while payins refer to incoming transactions. Choosing the appropriate rule type will ensure that the authorization is applied to the correct type of transactions.

When you click the "Test Rule" button, the system will evaluate the selected data point against the chosen list and operator, and display the result of the test. This can help you fine-tune the authorization rule before implementing it in your application or system.


By default, the status of a new authorization rule is set to "Disabled." This is done intentionally to give you the opportunity to thoroughly review and test the rule before activating it. When you're satisfied that the rule is set up correctly, you can change the status to "Enabled" by clicking the "Edit" option and selecting the "Enabled" setting

After you've filled out all the needed fields you can now click the Add button. You'll get a toast telling you that you've successfully added a rule.

Here's how you can add Block Rules


Click the Rules tab in the toolbar, then click the Add Rule button on the far right.


Attribute This field determines the type of data that will be used for the authorization rule. You can choose from the following options: Mobile, Email, Amount, or Daily Amount. Select the appropriate attribute based on the type of data you need to authorize. For example, if you need to authorize based on email addresses, you would choose the "Email" attribute.

Operator This optional field allows you to specify how the data should be equated or compared. You can choose from the following operators: Equal To ( = ), Not Equal To ( != ), Greater Than ( >), Less Than ( < ), Greater Than or Equal To ( >= ), Less Than or Equal To ( <= ), Like (LIKE), Contains ( @ ), Does Not Contain ( ! ). The operator you choose will determine how the data is evaluated against the list you select.

List This field allows you to select a list that you have previously created. The list should contain the data that you want to authorize against, such as a list of approved email addresses, phone numbers, or transaction amounts. You can choose the list that is most suitable for your authorization requirements.

Rule Type(Applied to) This field lets you specify whether the authorization rule should be applied to all payouts or all payins. Payouts refer to outgoing transactions, while payins refer to incoming transactions. Choosing the appropriate rule type will ensure that the authorization is applied to the correct type of transactions.

When you click the "Test Rule" button, the system will evaluate the selected data point against the chosen list and operator, and display the result of the test. This can help you fine-tune the authorization rule before implementing it in your application or system.


By default, the status of a new authorization rule is set to "Disabled." This is done intentionally to give you the opportunity to thoroughly review and test the rule before activating it. When you're satisfied that the rule is set up correctly, you can change the status to "Enabled" by clicking the "Edit" option and selecting the "Enabled" setting

After you've filled out all the needed fields you can now click the Add button. You'll get a toast telling you that you've successfully added a rule.