Error Codes
When accepting a payment, a transaction is established and following every transaction carries out a complete payment method.
List of Responses
How to Interpret our API Responses: A Comprehensive List of our Response Codes and Their Meanings
Transaction Initialize Endpoint
Message | Status | Status Code | Data |
Authorization required | failed | 401 | null |
Invalid API Key or User doesn’t exist | failed | 401 | null |
Required Attribute: [ “validation.required”] | failed | 400 | null |
Invalid currency, currency is not supported | failed | 400 | null |
Incorrect header settings Please check if content-type is present and set to application/json | failed | 400 | null |
The subaccount id you provided isn’t associated with this account. Please make sure the id is correct or to create a subaccount before proceeding | failed | 400 | null |
Merchant’s share of payment is not enough to cover transaction fee. | failed | 400 | null |
Merchant fee is greater than split flat amount. | failed | 400 | null |
Merchant’s share of payment is not enough to cover transaction fee. | failed | 400 | null |
The subaccount id you provided isn’t associated with this account. Please make sure the id is correct or to create a subaccount before proceeding. | failed | 400 | null |
Merchant’s share of payment is not enough to cover transaction fee. | failed | 400 | null |
Merchant fee is greater than split flat amount. | failed | 400 | null |
Hosted Link | success | 200 | ”checkout_url”: “” |
Transaction reference has been used before | failed | 400 | null |
User can’t receive payments | failed | 400 | null |
Invalid API Key or User doesn’t exist | failed | 401 | null |
Payments through API is disabled, please contact us | failed | 404 | null |
Required Attributes could be amount, currency, tx_ref
Transaction Initialize Endpoint
Message | Status | Status Code | Data |
Authorization required | failed | 401 | null |
Invalid API Key or User doesn’t exist | failed | 401 | null |
Required Attribute: [ “validation.required”] | failed | 400 | null |
Invalid currency, currency is not supported | failed | 400 | null |
Incorrect header settings Please check if content-type is present and set to application/json | failed | 400 | null |
The subaccount id you provided isn’t associated with this account. Please make sure the id is correct or to create a subaccount before proceeding | failed | 400 | null |
Merchant’s share of payment is not enough to cover transaction fee. | failed | 400 | null |
Merchant fee is greater than split flat amount. | failed | 400 | null |
Merchant’s share of payment is not enough to cover transaction fee. | failed | 400 | null |
The subaccount id you provided isn’t associated with this account. Please make sure the id is correct or to create a subaccount before proceeding. | failed | 400 | null |
Merchant’s share of payment is not enough to cover transaction fee. | failed | 400 | null |
Merchant fee is greater than split flat amount. | failed | 400 | null |
Hosted Link | success | 200 | ”checkout_url”: “” |
Transaction reference has been used before | failed | 400 | null |
User can’t receive payments | failed | 400 | null |
Invalid API Key or User doesn’t exist | failed | 401 | null |
Payments through API is disabled, please contact us | failed | 404 | null |
Required Attributes could be amount, currency, tx_ref
Transaction Verify Endpoint
Message | Status | Status Code | Data |
Authorization required | failed | 401 | null |
Invalid API Key or User doesn’t exist | failed | 401 | null |
Invalid API Key | failed | 401 | null |
Invalid transaction or Transaction not found | failed | 404 | null |
Live secret keys can’t be used to verify a test transaction | failed | 401 | null |
Test secret keys can’t be used to verify a live transaction | failed | 401 | null |
Payment not paid yet | null | 404 | null |
Payment details | payment status | 200 | ”first_name”: “Bilen”, “last_name”: “Gizachew”,“email”: “”,“currency”: “ETB”,“amount”: 100,“charge”: 3.5,“mode”: “test”,“method”: “test”,“type”: “API”,“status”: “success”,“reference”: “6jnheVKQEmy”,“tx_ref”: “chewatatest-6669”,“customization”: “title”: “Payment for my favourite merchant”, “description”: “I love online payments”, “logo”: null,“meta”: null,“created_at”: “2023-02-02T07:05:23.000000Z”,“updated_at”: “2023-02-02T07:05:23.000000Z” |
Payment status could be failed, success, pending.
List Banks Endpoint
Message | Status | Status Code | Data |
Authorization required | failed | 401 | null |
Banks retrieved | - | 200 | null |
Invalid API Key | failed | 401 | null |
Transfer Initialize Endpoint
Message | Status | Status Code | Data |
Authorization required | failed | 401 | null |
Our Transfer hours are Mon-Sat from 08:30 AM - 04:30 PM only, please check our transfer manuals or contact us for an immediate assist. | failed | 401 | null |
Invalid API Key or User doesn’t exist | failed | 401 | null |
Required Attribute: [ “validation.required”] | failed | 400 | null |
This bank is no longer supported or banned by National bank of Ethiopia | failed | 400 | null |
The account number is not valid for bank name | failed | 400 | null |
The subaccount id you provided isn’t associated with this account. Please make sure the id is correct or to create a subaccount before proceeding. | failed | 400 | null |
Insufficient Balance | failed | 400 | null |
Transfer Queued Successfully | success | 200 | 3241342142sfdd |
Transfer Queued Successfully in Test Mode | success | 200 | 3241342142sfdd |
TThe reference number has been used before | failed | 400 | null |
Insufficient Balance | failed | 400 | null |
Invalid currency, currency is not supported only ETB is supported to use Transfer API. | failed | 400 | null |
The Bank Code is incorrect please check if it does exist with our getbanks endpoint.’, | failed | 401 | null |
User can’t receive payments’, | failed | 400 | null |
Invalid API Key or User doesn’t exist | failed | 401 | null |
Transfer API isn’t available now, please contact us | failed | 404 | null |
Required Attributes could be amount, currency, bank_code, reference, account_number, account_name
Create Subaccount Endpoint
Message | Status | Status Code | Data |
Authorization required | failed | 401 | null |
Invalid API Key or User doesn’t exist | failed | 401 | null |
Required Attribute: [ “validation.required”] | failed | 400 | null |
The account number is not valid for bank name | failed | 400 | null |
Subaccount created successfully | success | 200 | ”subaccounts[id]”: “837b4e5e-57c8-4e39-b2df-66e7886b8bdb” |
Something went wrong while creating the subaccount. | failed | 400 | null |
This bank is not longer supported or banned by National bank of Ethiopia | failed | 400 | null |
This subaccount does exist | failed | 400 | null |
To create subaccounts via API you need to be on live mode. | failed | 400 | null |
The Bank Code is incorrect please check if it does exist with our getbanks endpoint. | failed | 401 | null |
Invalid API Key or User doesn’t exist | failed | 400 | null |
You Can’t create a subaccount via API, try to create from dashboard. | failed | 401 | null |
Required Attributes could be split_type, split_value, reference,business_name,bank_code, account_number, account_name
Bulk Transfer Endpoint
Message | Status | Status Code | Data |
Too many requests | failed | 429 | null |