Virtual AccountGet Business Virtual Accounts

Get Business Virtual Accounts

This endpoint allows you to retrieve all virtual accounts created for your business. The response is paginated, providing 25 accounts per page.


Method: GET


  • Authorization: Pass your secret key as a bearer token in the request header
  • Content-Type: application/json


A successful request returns a list of virtual accounts with pagination details.

Response Parameters

statusstringStatus of the request (“success” or “failed”)
messagestringA message describing the result
dataobjectContains pagination details and accounts information

Pagination Parameters

current_pagenumberThe current page number
first_page_urlstringURL to the first page of results
fromnumberStarting index of records on current page
next_page_urlstringURL to the next page (null if on last page)
pathstringBase path for pagination URLs
per_pagenumberNumber of records per page (default: 25)
prev_page_urlstringURL to the previous page (null if on first page)
tonumberEnding index of records on current page

Account Object Properties

account_namestringName of the account holder
account_numbernumberUnique virtual account number
account_aliasstringOptional alias for the account (null if not set)
balancenumberCurrent balance in the account
statusstringStatus of the account (e.g., “active”)
currencystringCurrency of the account (e.g., “ETB”)
created_atstringTimestamp of account creation
updated_atstringTimestamp of last account update

Example Request

import requestsurl = ""headers = {  'Content-Type': 'application/json',  'Accept': 'application/json',  'Authorization': 'Bearer CHASECK-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'}response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)print(response.text)